All attendees are expected to be present from 9am to 5pm each day.
GSD = Get Shit Done time. You should use this block to #focus on your day-to-day work, supporting customers, designing, coding, accounting etc.
Sunday march 12
All Attendees
7:00 PM Happy Hour
MONDAY March 13
All Attendees
6:30 - 9:00 AM // Breakfast (CSpice and Zala)
9:00 AM // GSD (Key Ballroom)
10:00 AM // Keynote: Welcome to ExpensiConX (Key Ballroom)
10:45 - 11:00 AM // Snack Break
6:00 - 9:00 PM // Expensify Community Welcome Reception (Serenity Pool)
Guides and SecondResponder Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:00 AM // Expensify Overview
12:30 - 1:30 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:30 PM // Expensify Card Workshop
3:00 - 3:15 PM // Snack Break
3:30 PM // Search Party
4:30 - 5:00PM // GSD
Developers: Queen Ballroom
11:00 AM // #expensify-open-source: Past, Present, Future
12:00 - 1:00 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:00 PM // Building an Inclusive Global Community
1:45 PM // The Surprising Audacity of Fixing Every Bug
3:00 - 3:15 PM // Snack Break
3:30 PM // Good Performance practices in RN (what to avoid)
4:00 PM // Reanimated Speedrun
4:30 - 5:00PM // GSD
Finance: Vault Suite (Room 423)
12:30 - 1:30 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:30 PM // Workshop 1 - Year 1 SOX Debrief
3:00 - 3:15 PM // Snack Break
3:30 PM // Workshop 2 - Optimizing our Controls for 2023 and Beyond
Design: Boardroom
12:30 - 1:30 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:30 PM Design Workshop - Case Studyify New Branding + Design Talk Prep
3:00 - 3:15 PM // Snack Break
3:30 PM Design Workshop - Case Studyify New Branding + Design Talk Prep
Tuesday March 14
All Attendees
6:30 - 9:00 AM // Breakfast (CSpice and Zala)
9:00 AM // GSD (Key Ballroom)
10:00 AM // Compounding Differentiation
Evening - Dinner Parties // Pass by our ExpensiConX help desk to sign up for a reservation
Guides and SecondResponder Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:00 AM // Pitching Against Competitors
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:30 PM // Expensify Pricing
3:30 PM // Custom Approvals + DEW
Developers: Queen Ballroom
11:00 AM // How to Solve Problems at Expensify
12:00 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Offline First
1:30 PM // Expensify Architecture and 1:1:1
2:00 PM // Cross-Platform UX
3:30 PM // Gradle, CMake & CocoaPods for RN developers
4:00 PM // Vision Camera
Finance: Vault Suite (Room 423)
12:30 PM // Lunch
3:30 PM // Expensify Pricing: Revenue Recognition
Design: Boardroom
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:30 PM // Prep for New Branding Launch
4:00 PM // Design Talk Prep
Wednesday March 15
All Attendees
9:00 AM // GSD
10:00 AM // Rebrandify - The story behind Expensify’s brand journey
Offsite Excursions - all activities will have a light meal. If you would like dinner after the excursion, feel free to pop into any of the resort restaurants for dinner, there won’t be any formal sign ups tonight.
Please see #announce for your assignment -
Departure Times:
UTV / ATV - 3:30 PM
Jeep Tour - 3:45 PM
Sunset Cruise - 4:40 PM
Walking Tour 3:45 PM
SecondResponder Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:00 AM // Account Management 101
12:30 - 1:30 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:30 PM // Account Management Workshop
2:30 PM // The Perfect Demo
Guides: Queen Ballroom
11:00 AM // Sales 101
12:30 - 1:30 PM // Lunch @ CSpice
1:30 PM // Sales 101 Workshop
2:30 PM // The Perfect Demo (Key Ballroom)
Developers: King Ballroom
11:00 AM // Understanding Reunification: Migrating Businesses to Expensify Chat
12:00 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Hack-A-Thon
Finance: Boardroom
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Cap Software Controls - Optimization for Internal and External Contributors
Design: Vault Suite (Room 423)
12:30 PM // Lunch
Thursday march 16
All Attendees
9:00 AM // GSD
10:00 AM // Keynote: The thrilling discovery of your true net worth
Evening Plans:
Resort dinners:
Feel free to pop into any of the resort restaurants for dinner, no reservations or signups required
Dinner offsite:
We have shuttle buses going into Punta and Pietermaai this evening:
Shuttles to Punta / Pietermaai: leaving from hotel lobby: 6.15, 7.00 and 7.30 PM.
Shuttles back to resort: leaving from the Clock at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:30 PM.
Grab a group and check out some local restaurants!
If you eat / drink with someone from the Expensify team, dinner is on us.
All the Expensify employees will be wearing their name badges, and will also drop in #announce if they’re at a cool spot.
If you miss a shuttle or want to come back earlier - please book a taxi through 24/7 Taxi App.
Guides and Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:00 AM // Accounting 101
3:30 PM // Export Troubleshooting Accounting Packages
Guides: Queen Ballroom
11:30 AM // How to Pitch NetSuite
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:30 PM // How to Pitch Sage Intacct
SecondResponder Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:30 AM // Technical Tool Training & Workshop
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:30 PM // Technical Tool Workshop
Developers: King Ballroom
11:00 AM // Core Qualities and "Me vs Us"
12:00 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Expensify Chat - Ultimate sales/support tool
2:30 PM // NewDot deploy + QA process
3:30 PM // Releasing React Native
4:00 PM // Debugging React Native
Finance: Vault Suite (Room 423)
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Accounting Innovation: Technology Enabled Automation
Design: Boardroom
12:30 PM // Lunch
11:00 AM // Design Sprint - Prep for New Branding Launch
1:00 PM // Design Workshop - Self Service
Friday March 17
All Attendees
9:00 AM // GSD
10:00 AM // Live Rich, Have Fun, Save The World
6:30 - 9:30 PM // Evening - ExpensiConX Community Finale Dinner @ Marriott Beach
Please note that at this event some local vendors will have have souvenirs and curios for sale, and you’ll need a small amount of cash if you want to purchase anything from them. The vendors accept USD, but do not take cards.
Guides and Account Managers: Key Ballroom
11:00 AM // Payroll, bill pay, invoicing
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:30 PM // Using Expensify Around the World
Account Managers: Key Ballroom
3:30 PM // Asking for Help
Guides: Queen Ballroom
3:30 PM // Expensify Speed Pitching
Developers: King Ballroom
11:00 AM // Implement Design + Branding
11:30 AM // How to Ask the Right Questions and Request Help
12:00 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // 30 Shades of Fabric
2:00 PM // Native-, Turbo- and JSI Modules
3:30 PM // Advanced Typescript
3:30 PM // Office Hours
Finance: Vault Suite (Room 423)
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Payroll and Allocation Control Optimization
Design: Boardroom
11:30 AM //Photography!
12:30 PM // Lunch
1:00 PM // Photography!
4:30 PM // Debrief